2024-09-09 | Was last summer very warm?

The average summer air temperature in 2024 was as high as 18.7 degrees Celsius (compared to a long-term average of 17.3 °C; in 2023 it was 18.1 °C, in 2022 18.5 °C and in 2021 19.2 °C). It was the fourth warmest summer in Lithuania in the history of modern meteorological observations (since 1961). Only 2021 (19.2 °C), 2010 (19.0 °C) and 2002 (18.8 °C) were warmer.
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This year, the average temperature in June was 17.6 °C (17.1 °C last year), in July 19.6 °C (17.6 °C last year) and in August 19.0 °C (19.5 °C last year). Although the calendar summer was very warm overall, the averages for individual months do not give a complete picture of the past summer. You can clearly see from the graph that each month had both cooler and very warm days (the latter predominating).
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Of the 92 days in the calendar summer, 63 were warmer than the long-term average: 21 warm days in June, 22 in July and 20 in August.

During the summer, 28 very hot days (compared to 17 last year) were observed, with daily average temperatures ≥20 °C. On average, the hottest days were 28 June (25.5 °C) and 27 June (23.6 °C).

The graph shows the average summer air temperature in Lithuania for the period 1991-2020 and 2024.

Three heatwaves were recorded during the summer (one last year): 26-28 June in Birštonas, Dotnuva, Šumsk and Varėno; 9-11 July in Marijampolė, Druskininkai and Kalvarija; 16-18 August in Alytus, Kalvarija, Lazdijai and Marijampolė. The highest air temperature this summer was measured on 11 July in Druskininkai, where the air heated up to 34.9 °C (see map below).

Map showing the highest air temperature in Lithuania in summer 2024.

Meanwhile, only 7 days were cool (8 last year), with daily average temperatures below 15 °C. The coldest days were in the first half of June.

In terms of rainfall, the summer rains were very uneven, both in terms of location and timing. Total summer rainfall in Lithuania was in line with the normal range of 225.9 mm (average for 1991-2020: 227.5 mm). Despite this, June (72% of normal) and August (49%) were dry months, while July was wet (168%; mainly due to a wind storm with heavy rain at the end of the month).

The duration of sunshine in the summer of 2024 was also in line with the norm, although it varied, as did rainfall. In Lithuania, the Sun shone for 819.3 hours, compared to a long-term average of 818 hours. In June, 103% of normal was reached, in July only 88% and in August as much as 110%.

You can read more about the summer months of 2024 here.

Prepared by LHMS meteorologist Gytis Valaika