On 20-21 May, the LHMS was visited by guests from abroad. LHMS specialists had the opportunity to listen to several interesting presentations on foreign experiences and satellite measurements.
On 20th of May Meteorologist Robert Varley presented his work on developing a methodology for impact-based forecasts and warnings at the UK Met Office “Developing MHEWS in the Met Office”. They also visited and interacted with our country’s weather forecasters in the Forecasts and Warnings Division.
On 20th of May 10 A.M. In the LHMS auditorium, specialists not only from the Authority, but also from several other institutions of the country gathered to listen to the study “Socio-economic benefits of the EPS-Aeolus and EPS-Sterna second-generation satellites of the European polar orbiting satellite (EPS-Aeolus) and the EPS-Sterna second-generation satellites (EPS-Aeolus and EPS-Sterna satellites)”, presented by the representatives of the European Space Agency (EUMETSAT), Mr. Paul Counet and Mr Robert Varley. The socio-economic benefits (SEB) of delivering EPS-Aeolus and EPS-Sterna.) After the presentations, the representatives took a number of questions from the audience, which developed into a broader debate, so that the event even lasted a little longer than planned.

The photos on the left show some moments from the conference, which took place in the LHMT’s renovated meeting room. On the right (in order) – EUMETSAT’s Robert Varley, LHMS Director Ričardas Valančiauskas and another EUMETSAT representative Paul Counet.